Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 86
- English language 65
- methods 52
- Management 50
- Research 47
- Study and teaching 39
- Politics and government 38
- Rhetoric 38
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- Social conditions 31
- Anesthesia 30
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- Economic conditions 29
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- Report writing 28
- Social aspects 26
- Economic development 23
- Handbooks, manuals, etc 23
- Moral and ethical aspects 23
- Philosophy 23
- Women 23
- Economic policy 22
- Social service 22
- Mass media 21
- Biochemistry 19
- English 19
- Human anatomy 19
- Mathematics 18
- Education 17
Unlocking biological complexity: the role of machine learning in integrative multi-omics
Published 2024-11-01“…This approach paves the way for personalized medicine by identifying unique molecular signatures for individual patients, which can provide valuable insights into treatment planning and support more effective treatment. …”
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El puzle de la memoria en España y en Alemania: miradas retrospectivas a la infancia en escritos autobiográficos o autoficcionales
Published 2024-11-01“…Más allá de las muchas diferencias, también se pueden encontrar analogías entre ellos no solo en lo que cuentan, sino en su necesidad de que transcurrieran muchas décadas hasta que se decidieron a asentar por escrito lo vivido.…”
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Developing a Mentorship Program in Higher Education Institutions
Published 2019-04-01“…However, formal mentoring programs have been slow to develop in higher education institutions. …”
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Desarrollo moral en estudiantes de postgrados de gerencia: una comparación
Published 2012-01-01“…Se describen los estadísticos de cada uno de los grupos y se comparan con base a una prueba de significación estadística t. …”
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Florida’s Established Arthropod Weed Biological Control Agents and Their Targets
Published 2013-03-01“…Biological control reunites these natural enemies (usually arthropods) with their host plants to selectively weaken and suppress the invasive weeds. …”
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Ультразвуковой мониторинг легких при COVID-19 пневмониях в ОРИТ: межэкспертная повторяемость при выполнении врачами анестезиологами-реаниматологами: ретроспективное двухцентровое к...
Published 2024-11-01“…ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Изучить межэкспертную повторяемость результатов 16-зонного протокола при использовании полуколичественных шкал LUS (Lung ultrasound) и LUS NMHC (National Medical-Surgical Center) у реанимационных пациентов с коронавирусной инфекцией при выполнении ультразвукового мониторинга легких экспертом и начинающим специалистом. …”
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The priests and the descendents of Levi in the book of Malachi
Published 2015-06-01“…Then the descendants of Levi will conduct the sacrificial cult in accordance with the regulations of the law, as in the days of old. …”
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«Redoblando la esperanza»: el retorno del Frente Amplio al gobierno de Uruguay
Published 2025-01-01“…El presente artículo, en consecuencia, busca mostrar que el triunfo del Frente Amplio con Yamandú Orsi como su candidato no se comprende sin el proceso de autocrítica que llevó a cabo en sus años en la oposición y la capacidad de resiliencia que le otorga su compleja estructura partidaria. …”
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Plan de MiPirámide para el consumo diario de alimentos y calorías
Published 2010-08-01“…FCS8800Span, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Glenda L. …”
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Harvesting Ornamental Fish From Ponds
Published 2006-12-01“… FA-117, 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Tina C. Crosby, Jeffrey E. Hill, Carlos V. …”
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Metabolic and epigenetic regulation of macrophage polarization in atherosclerosis: Molecular mechanisms and targeted therapies
Published 2025-02-01“…Fundamental studies that elucidate the mechanisms by which metabolic and epigenetic regulation of macrophage polarization influence atherosclerosis will pave the way for novel therapeutic approaches.…”
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Roberto Mangabeiros Ungerio įgalintos demokratijos teorija: ar liberalios demokratijos antinomijos gali būti išspręstos?
Published 2024-04-01“…Straipsnyje mėginama parodyti, kad Ungeriui nepavyksta įgyvendinti šio tikslo dėl prieštaringo įgalintos demokratijos santykio su paties autoriaus politikos samprata ir neužtikrinamo jo pateikiamo vidinių liberalios demokratijos įtampų sprendinio tvarumo. …”
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The effect of Clostridium difficile infection on the course of liver cirrhosis
Published 2018-08-01“…Of patients with alcoholic LC the mean Maddrey score in Clostridium difficile-infected subgroup was significantly higher than the score of non-infected patients. …”
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La Ciguatera
Published 2007-11-01“…ENY-741S, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge R. Rey, is the Spanish language version of ENY-741, Ciguatera. …”
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Leafy Greens in Hydroponics and Protected Culture for Florida
Published 2016-05-01“…The article covers spinach, Swiss chard, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, and Asian greens. …”
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Plant Growth Regulators
Published 2009-05-01“…PI-102, a 5-page fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, defines the term, “plant growth regulator,” addresses patterns of use for plant growth regulators, and provides a listing of plant growth regulators registered for use in Florida. …”
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Functional feature extraction and validation from twelve-lead electrocardiograms to identify atrial fibrillation
Published 2025-02-01“…Methods We apply functional principal component analysis to the raw ECG tracings collected in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study. We define and select the features using ECGs from participants enrolled in Phase I (2003–2008) of the study. …”
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Undergraduate EFL learners’ preferences for three different types of written corrective feedback
Published 2025-02-01“…The results showed that most learners preferred direct written corrective feedback because it helped them improve their writing skills and was easier to understand. …”
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New Plants for Florida: Forage
Published 2003-08-01“…This document is part of Circular 1440, a publication of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, the Agronomy Department and IFAS Communication Services, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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La experiencia de la hospitalidad y la responsabilidad por el otro como base para construir el deber de acoger a los migrantes
Published 2024-07-01“…Solamente, el problema es el de la inscripción de estos principios en una formulación y traducción jurídica susceptible de convertirlos en un derecho exigible.…”
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