Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 86
- English language 65
- methods 52
- Management 50
- Research 47
- Study and teaching 39
- Politics and government 38
- Rhetoric 38
- Methodology 35
- Social conditions 31
- Anesthesia 30
- Grammar 30
- Economic conditions 29
- Law 29
- Psychology 28
- Report writing 28
- Social aspects 26
- Economic development 23
- Handbooks, manuals, etc 23
- Moral and ethical aspects 23
- Philosophy 23
- Women 23
- Economic policy 22
- Social service 22
- Mass media 21
- Biochemistry 19
- English 19
- Human anatomy 19
- Mathematics 18
- Education 17
Body Image and the Aging Female
Published 2009-06-01“…Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2009. Reprinted December 2019. …”
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Natural Area Weeds: A Property Owner's Guide to Melaleuca Control
Published 2005-10-01“…This document is SS-AGR-96, one of a series of the Agronomy Department, UF/IFAS Extension. …”
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Breaking out of Unhealthy Marital Interactions
Published 2012-05-01“…This 2-page radio transcript was written by Eboni Baugh and Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, March 2012. …”
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How I Grow: Months Eleven and Twelve
Published 2003-08-01“…This document is FCS2222, one of a series of the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Gainesville FL 32611. …”
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Fire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Preparing a Firewise Plant List for WUI Residents
Published 2004-10-01“…This document is Circular 1453, one of the Fire in the Wildland-Urban Interface series of the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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“En la mano el pan en la otra el chicote” Frontera, curatos y clero en Jujuy a fines del período colonial
Published 2010-01-01“…Este artículo establece el proceso de formación de los curatos entre la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y las primeras décadas del siglo XIX en la zona de Jujuy. …”
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La Formación Integral: Un Lineamiento para los Modelos Educativos en Venezuela basados en Competencias
Published 2013-01-01“…Por ello hoy día hacer un replanteamiento del modelo educativo significa generar lazos con la sociedad y el ser humano. …”
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An exploration of the role of visuals and users’ imagery and verbal preferences on goal attainment and coaching chatbot adoption
Published 2025-02-01“…Artificial intelligence chatbots could scale coaching, however user adoption is a challenge. …”
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La idea de Dios y las preguntas de la razón pura
Published 2017-01-01“…Todas las preguntas de la razón pura se sintetizan en: ¿qué es el hombre? Al ser el único que forma parte del mundo natural y del inteligible, el hombre tiene la necesidad de conducirse bajo la máxima de obrar como si Dios existiese para posibilitar el cumplimiento del bien supremo en el mundo.…”
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Utilizing Basic Digital Photography Techniques on the Farm
Published 2011-08-01“… This 3-page fact sheet focuses on plant and livestock photography and caption writing and outlines tips for taking digital photographs on the farm using a basic digital or cell phone camera. …”
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Otitis media en el perro: diagnóstico, tratamiento quirúrgico y posibles complicaciones. Revisión
Published 2018-01-01“…El propósito de este artículo es discutir los aspectos relativos al tratamiento y diagnóstico de la otitis media en el perro, haciendo énfasis en las complicaciones más frecuentes observadas luego de una ablación total del canal auditivo con osteotomía de la bulla timpánica, procedimiento que en la actualidad se considera el tratamiento de elección. Además, se expone el ámbito clínico en el cual se indica esta intervención considerando otras condiciones diferentes de la otitis media. …”
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Manual de los Reglamentos del Agua en Florida: Reglamento Privado
Published 2012-05-01“…This revised document is part of a series of 37 brief fact sheets, the Spanish-language version of the Handbook of Florida Water Regulation. …”
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Xiaohua Funing decoction ameliorates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by modulating the gut microbiota and bile acids
Published 2025-02-01“…Pathology of the liver and white fat steatosis was observed in the Mod group, but steatosis was significantly alleviated in the OCA and XFD groups (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). …”
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The Invasion of Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians in Florida
Published 2012-06-01“…This 6-page fact sheet summarizes findings from three recent scientific papers describing who these invaders are, their potential ecological impacts, and recommendations for their management and control. …”
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Kurzer Bericht über eine Expedition nach der Tundra Umptek auf der Halbinsel Kola
Published 1892-01-01Get full text
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Epidemiology and morphology of malignant gastrointestinal tumors in Kabardino-Balkarian Republic for 25 years
Published 2018-08-01“…Intensive (raw) scores for gender and age, annual average gain rates of oral, esophageal, stomach and colonic neoplasms incidence rate were calculated. …”
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Explaining the Best Management Practices for Maintaining European Honey Bee Colonies
Published 2010-10-01“…ENY158, a 4-page fact sheet by M. K. O’Malley, J.D. Ellis and G. W. Hayes, Jr., outlines and explains the 12 recommendations listed in the voluntary agreement between Florida beekeepers and state officials to minimize the spread of African honey bees. …”
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Classical and quantum algorithms for many-body problems
Published 2025-01-01“…We then turn to the special case of fermionic problems. After describing a method based on natural orbitals for shortening, and thus making more reliable, quantum circuits to prepare fermionic states, we present a method based on slave spins for using a platform of Rydberg atoms to simulate lattice models of fermions. …”
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