Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 86
- English language 65
- methods 52
- Management 50
- Research 47
- Study and teaching 39
- Politics and government 38
- Rhetoric 38
- Methodology 35
- Social conditions 31
- Anesthesia 30
- Grammar 30
- Economic conditions 29
- Law 29
- Psychology 28
- Report writing 28
- Social aspects 26
- Economic development 23
- Handbooks, manuals, etc 23
- Moral and ethical aspects 23
- Philosophy 23
- Women 23
- Economic policy 22
- Social service 22
- Mass media 21
- Biochemistry 19
- English 19
- Human anatomy 19
- Mathematics 18
- Education 17
Reading Isaiah 58 in conversation with I.J. Mosala: an African liberationist approach
Published 2016-12-01“…Finally, the author submits that, if read from an African liberationist perspective, the text of Isaiah 58 could contribute positively to socio-economic redress, particularly to poverty alleviation and, subsequently, to rebuilding relationships in Southern Africa. …”
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Using Deep Learning to Identify High-Risk Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction
Published 2021-07-01“…A sequential model architecture based on bi-directional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) layers was utilized. …”
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Healthy Living: Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia
Published 2006-12-01“… FCS8820, a 2-page fact sheet by Jennifer Hillan, helps patients with diabetes understand how to detect, treat, and prevent hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). …”
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Gajes del oficio. Traducciones de una mala reputación
Published 2018-01-01“…Emerge una faceta negativa subterránea pero pertinaz, nacida de la desconfianza de que el traductor pueda ser, peor que un incompetente, un estafador, sobreponiéndose su espacio semántico-simbólico con otros oficios tradicionalmente sospechosos (el actor, por ejemplo), o con pertenencias a grupos históricamente marginados, como los judíos en España y, en América, los indios.…”
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Published 2008-01-01“…Se muestra la diversidad de opinión y versiones del personaje según la mirada de los actores sociales en cuestión, así como el cambio histórico de la misma que está teniendo lugar en nuestros días.…”
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Leches a base de plantas: Nuez de marañón (anacardo)
Published 2020-10-01“…Las principales alternativas de leche de origen vegetal son la almendra, la soja, el coco, la nuez de marañón (anacardo) y el arroz. …”
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Las huestes del estado durante la Primera República en la Nueva Granada
Published 2007-01-01Get full text
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Fear of hypoglycemia in Italian mothers of children with type 1 diabetes: the mediating role of resilience
Published 2021-08-01“…Data analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical package, version 22, and the PROCESS macro program by Hayes…”
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Disruption of the β-catenin destruction complex via Ephexin1-Axin1 interaction promotes colorectal cancer proliferation
Published 2025-01-01“…Here, we show that Ephexin1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is significantly overexpressed in CRC and is correlated with increased Wnt/β-catenin pathway activity. …”
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Valoración pericial psicológica de la víctima de mobbing: estudio de un caso
Published 2015-03-01“…Esta temática puede ser abordada desde las siguientes jurisdicciones: civil, penal, social, contencioso-administrativa.…”
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La trata de personas en la modalidad de trabajo infantil
Published 2017-01-01“…En este trabajo se describen las causas y el proceso evolutivo del trabajo infantil en México; sin embargo, en la exposición se retoman elementos que identifican el problema en el contexto mundial. …”
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Crataegus marshallii, Parsley Hawthorn
Published 2010-07-01“…Quintana, and Robert Northrop, describes this small native tree found in open to partially shaded areas along the moist edges or slopes of floodplains, river banks, and wet woodlands throughout the southeastern United States — scientific and common names, description, allergen, and applications. …”
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واقع استخدام الوسائط التقنية في تدريس العلوم الشرعية في جامعة برليس الإسلامية - ماليزيا
Published 2023-11-01Get full text
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Important Things to Know about Medicare Chapter Two: Medicare Part A--Hospital Insurance
Published 2014-02-01“…As an older adult citizen of the United States, it is important to understand the structure of Medicare and how it affects you. …”
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CircWDR78 inhibits the development of colorectal cancer by regulating the miR-653-3p/RGS4 axis
Published 2025-02-01“…We also used RNA-seq technology to explore the signal pathways and genes it might regulate. …”
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O towarzyszeniu dziecku w rozwoju – zarys koncepcji wychowania w żłobku
Published 2020-06-01“…An example is the concept of accompanying in development in social pedagogy, emphasizing the non-directive features of the relationship between an adult and a child. …”
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Florida Beekeeping Management Calendar
Published 2010-05-01“…ENY156, a 7-page fact sheet by J.D. Ellis and C.M. Zettel Nalen, provides Florida beekeepers a reference for honey bee colony management with specific guidance for region by month, including recommendations for major management considerations and blooming plants. …”
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Hipoadrenocorticismo primario canino: reporte de caso
Published 2011-01-01“…Un canino macho Cocker Spaniel de 6 meses de edad fue presentado a la Clínica para Pequeños Animales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con historia de vómito y diarrea de una semana de duración. …”
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