Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 86
- English language 65
- methods 52
- Management 50
- Research 47
- Study and teaching 39
- Politics and government 38
- Rhetoric 38
- Methodology 35
- Social conditions 31
- Anesthesia 30
- Grammar 30
- Economic conditions 29
- Law 29
- Psychology 28
- Report writing 28
- Social aspects 26
- Economic development 23
- Handbooks, manuals, etc 23
- Moral and ethical aspects 23
- Philosophy 23
- Women 23
- Economic policy 22
- Social service 22
- Mass media 21
- Biochemistry 19
- English 19
- Human anatomy 19
- Mathematics 18
- Education 17
Impacto das Diferenças entre as Normas Contábeis Brasileiras e Americanas nos Indicadores de Desempenho de Empresas Brasileiras com ADRs
Published 2009-01-01“…Conclui-se, portanto, que os indicadores de desempenho não são afetados de maneira significativa pelas divergências nas normas contábeis entre os dois países, não ocorrendo nas empresas da amostra assimetria de informação entre o que é divulgado na Bovespa e na NYSE.…”
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Pesticide Labeling: Miscellaneous Label Parts
Published 2019-05-01“… This document describes some of the smaller, yet important pieces found on the pesticide label. …”
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A Community Guide to Urban Forest Inventories
Published 2008-02-01“… FOR-173, a 4-page fact sheet by Francisco Escobedo and Michael Andreu, defines what an urban forest inventory is and its advantages, what the conditions for conducting and funding and inventory should be, and some management options. …”
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Handbook of Florida Agricultural Laws: Related Non-Crop or Product Agricultural Topics
Published 2022-06-01“…Many readers may value this handbook because it informs them about these rights and responsibilities, and it provides them with good contacts for more detailed information. However, the reader should be aware that because the laws, administrative rulings, and court decisions on which this handbook is based are subject to constant revision, portions of this handbook could become outdated at any time. …”
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O valor financeiro do capital humano e o desafio de retê-lo nas empresas
Published 2014-01-01“…Com base no caso de uma empresa de projetos de engenharia (Empresa), este artigo detalha uma metodologia que pode ser replicada para determinar o valor de outras empresas do setor de Serviços. …”
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A Etnomatemática na Formação Continuada de Professores de Matemática da Educação de Jovens e Adultos do Município do Rio de Janeiro
Published 2007-06-01“… O presente trabalho refere-se a uma reflexão sobre o processo de construção coletiva do texto que será integrado ao Núcleo Curricular Básico Multieducação, para professores de Matemática de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) no Município do Rio de Janeiro, que teve a etnomatemática como referencial teórico e metodológico. …”
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"Avispa de la agalla del eucalipto", Leptocybe invasa Fischer & Lasalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae), en Argentina
Published 2011-01-01“…Se brinda un detalle de los caracteres morfológicos de L. invasa, aspectos de su biología, distribución y daños causados en plantaciones de eucalipto.…”
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Inserción en cadenas de valor globales y patrones de innovación de empresas de países en desarrollo: las pymes de Argentina
Published 2016-01-01“…La segmentación internacional de los procesos productivos y la conformación de sistemas globales de producción han generado nuevos desafíos para las pymes de los países en desarrollo. …”
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Ahorre dinero en la tienda de comestibles
Published 2010-08-01“…FCS8851-Span, a 2-page fact sheet by Glenda L. Warren, is the Spanish language version of FCS8851/FY1003 Saving Money at the Grocery Store. …”
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Economic Approach to Valuing Information with Applications to Climate Information
Published 2009-06-01“…FE801, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Tatiana Borisova, Norman Breuer, and Irina Grinberg, gives a basic introduction to the economic approach to valuing information. …”
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Forage Moisture Testing
Published 2002-07-01“… This document is SS-AGR-178, one of a series of the Agronomy Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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Quercus chapmanii, Chapman Oak
Published 2010-07-01“…Quintana, describes this native oak, naturally found in the dry, xeric habitats of sandy ridges and coastal dunes throughout most of Florida and coastal Alabama, Georgia, and the southern portion of South Carolina — scientific and common names, description, allergen, and applications. …”
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Terror/Emergency Preparedness
Published 2003-07-01“…Your best defense against terror is the ability to keep calm and to make rational decisions. Be alert. Be suspicious of abnormal or unusual situations. But, do not spend time and energy worrying about the situation. …”
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Henri Nouwen
Published 2000-06-01“…Sy dood in September 1996 was 'n gevoelige slag vir diegene wat hom persoonlike geken of deur sy boeke met hom kennis gemaak het. …”
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The theses for PhD degree
Published 2013-05-01“…Bystrovskaya – Postcholecystectomy syndrome: clinical variants, prediction and prophylaxis.N.I. …”
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Learning Through Reflection: A Team’s Reflection on a Digital, Text-based Positive Health Coaching Intervention for Healthcare Professionals
Published 2025-02-01“…The coach’s reflective journal, analysed via Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) shows the potential scalability of text-based coaching, in addition to connection and significant rapport building despite nonverbal cues. …”
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Ananas comosus: Pineapple
Published 2018-08-01“…The plant prefers well-drained soil and partial shade but can tolerate full sun. …”
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