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L'effet De L'environment Sur L'enseignement Et L'apprentissage De La Langue Francaise Dans Le District De Lira.
Published 2024“…L'Ouganda est l'un des pays qui forment la communaute d'Afrique de l'Est. Deux pays de la communaute d'Afrique de l'Est; Le Burundi et le Rwanda ont utilise le francais comme langue officielle et comme moyen d'enseignement, bien que le Rwanda ait plus tard change la langue d'enseignement en anglais. …”
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Thesis -
"Cuéntame tus testosteronas": Un análisis sobre las regulaciones para jugadorxs transgénero e hiperandrógenas
Published 2020-01-01“…Si antes el foco estaba enquistado en la genitalidad, en la actualidad se centra en el control hormonal, en ambas situaciones bajo la aplicación de tecnologías de control del cuerpo cuyo fin es disciplinarlo.Con todo, consideramos que poder revisar qué sucede en nuestros contextos locales con las demandas de los colectivos disidentes nos permite repensar nuestras instituciones y aportar una mirada crítica en la deconstrucción y reconstrucción de deportes para todxs.…”
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Effects of Interplanting Medicinal Herbs on Runoff, Sediment and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses in Young Oil Tea Plantation on Red Soil Sloping Field
Published 2024-12-01Subjects: “…oil tea plantation…”
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Highly efficient conversion of glycerol and $t$-butanol to biofuel additives over AlPO solid acid catalyst under microwave irradiation technique: kinetic study
Published 2022-05-01“…Metal-aluminophosphate solid acids ($m$-AlPO) were prepared and characterized by various techniques such as powder-XRD, FT-IR, BET surface area, SEM, TEM, EDAX, NH$_{3}$-TPD/$n$-butylamine back titration and ICP-OES techniques. …”
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Rozeznawanie woli Bożej według św. Ignacego Loyoli
Published 2020-10-01“… Rozeznawanie woli Bożej i jej wypełnianie stanowią jedne z najważniejszych zadań, jakie stają przed każdym chrześcijaninem. …”
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Digital Platforms’ Adoption by Educational Stakeholders in Private Secondary Schools During and after the Lockdown in Port Harcourt Local Government Area, Rivers State
Published 2024-12-01“…Une procédure d’échantillonnage en plusieurs étapes a été utilisée pour sélectionner un échantillon de sept cent quarante-deux (742) participants, comprenant quatre cent neuf (409) élèves, deux cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept (297) enseignants et trente-six (36) administrateurs parmi trente-deux (32) Les écoles secondaires privées de Port Harcourt, dans l’État de Rivers. …”
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Duch Święty jako inspiracja twórcza w głoszeniu słowa Bożego a inspiracja artystyczna – podobieństwa i różnice
Published 2019-09-01“…Wprawdzie „Duch Święty wieje, kędy chce” (J 3, 8), jednak natchnienie Ducha Świętego – zwłaszcza wymodlone i wyproszone – jest więcej przewidywalne niż artystyczne. …”
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Improving farm households’ economic status to address food security in Ghana: The role of participation in nonfarm activities
Published 2025-02-01“…For a farming household, participation in such activities serves as a hedge against the risk associated with farming and by far a potential for addressing food insecurity. …”
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Published 2018-11-01“…Furthur the postgraduate students used past tense more dominant than present tense and using hedges is more frequently than national and international authors. …”
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Engineering Circuit Analysis /
Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Machine generated contents note: ch. 1 Introduction -- 1.1.Overview of Text -- 1.2.Relationship of Circuit Analysis to Engineering -- 1.3.Analysis and Design -- 1.4.Computer-Aided Analysis -- 1.5.Successful Problem-Solving Strategies -- Reading Further -- ch. 2 Basic Components And Electic Circuits -- 2.1.Units and Scales -- 2.2.Charge, Current, Voltage, and Power -- 2.3.Voltage and Current Sources -- 2.4.Ohm's Law -- Summary And Review -- Reading Further -- Exercises -- ch. 3 Voltage And Current Laws -- 3.1.Nodes, Paths, Loops, and Branches -- 3.2.Kirchhoffs Current Law -- 3.3.Kirchhoffs Voltage Law -- 3.4.The Single-Loop Circuit -- 3.5.The Single-Node-Pair Circuit -- 3.6.Series and Parallel Connected Sources -- 3.7.Resistors in Series and Parallel -- 3.8.Voltage and Current Division -- Summary And Review -- Reading Further -- Exercises -- ch. 4 Basic Nodal And Mesh Analysis -- 4.1.Nodal Analysis -- 4.2.The Supernode -- 4.3.Mesh Analysis -- 4.4.The Supermesh -- 4.5.Nodal vs. …”
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La experiencia vinculante afectiva del sujeto adolescente infractor
Published 2012-01-01Get full text
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Reflexões sobre as incidências tributárias no Brasil e suas relações com o desenvolvimento socioeconômico nacional
Published 2018-01-01Subjects: “…national tax system…”
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Femininas, modestas e antifeministas: o ativismo on-line de mulheres católicas tradicionais
Published 2025-02-01“…A partir desses espaços virtuais, que evidenciam um engajamento feminino na difusão de discursos teológicos de fundo moral, examinamos discursos e mobilizações de cunho antifeminista que compõem cruzadas antigênero que vêm impactando o cenário político e religioso contemporâneo, dada a sua configuração de atuação em redes, conectando indivíduos em grupos que buscam incidir no debate público sobre os temas família, educação, sexualidade e direitos.…”
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Modeling Stock High-Low Price Range: Fractional Cointegrating VAR Approach (FCVAR)
Published 2024-03-01“…To test for the fractional unit root in each price series, the GPH and ELW methods are also employed. …”
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Published 2025-02-01“…The most two significant concluding points that this study has come up with are: (1) gender diversity affects all the aspects of language including word choice, strategy and style in online interactions, and (2) the frequency of using hedge devices, empty adjectives, euphemistic expressions, apologies, justifications, minimal responses, emoticons, tag-questions, rhetorical questions, intensifiers and exclamatory expressions used by females is far more compared to males. …”
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Metadiscourse in Lithuanian linguistics research articles: A study of interactive and interactional features
Published 2024-01-01“…To gain new insights into how knowledge is negotiated interpersonally in Lithuanian scientific texts, the present paper explores the distribution and use of interactive and interactional features of metadiscourse in Lithuanian research articles in a single discipline, i.e., linguistics. …”
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Cálculo mental: é possível uma prática pedagógica que favoreça seu desenvolvimento?
Published 2013-01-01“… Este trabalho tem por objetivo revelar as principais estratégias de cálculo mental mobilizadas por alu- nos do 4º e 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, em situações didáticas vivenciadas de forma dialógica. …”
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Direction d’ajustement ou qualité de présence. Sur la caractérisation des états intentionnels pour la taxinomie des actes de langage et la typologie des modalités
Published 2025-02-01“…Le présent article entend examiner quelques-uns des fondements théoriques propres aux deux approches. On y suggère notamment d’emprunter à la théorie des actes de langage le concept de force afin de consolider la théorie des modes d’existence.…”
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Des «nanotransporteurs» d’ADN : Repousser les limites des Nanomédicaments pour traiter le cancer
Published 2022-12-01“…Les tests effectués sur des cellules et des modèles animaux se révèlent prometteurs pour deux applications de ces nanotransporteurs d’ADN : l’une contenant la Quinine, un antipaludéen, et l’autre contenant la Doxorubicine, un antibiotique cytotoxique anthracyclinique couramment employé pour traiter le cancer du sein et la leucémie. …”
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