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- Embryology 1
- English 1
- Medicine 1
Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing.
Published 2005Table of Contents: “…Adverse drug effects during pregnancy -- Anatomy words (English and Latin) -- Arterial blood gas normal values -- Arteries of the human body -- Assessment guide : medications -- Biographic appendix -- Blood groups -- Body mass index table (high range) -- Body mass index table -- Canada's food guide to healthy eating -- Canadian recommended nutrition intakes -- Choosing the route of nutrition support in adults : a clinical decision algorithm -- Classic textbook method of blood gas interpretation -- Classification of overweight and obesity in adults according to BMI -- Classification and therapeutic uses of drugs -- Common abbreviations used in medication orders -- Common medical abbreviations and acronyms -- Common questions about infection surveillance, prevention, and control -- Common tests with descriptions -- Common types of drug preparations -- Commonly prescribed drugs and their applications -- Conversion factors between traditional and SI units -- Development milestones from birth to 5 years -- Diagnosis-related groups -- Dietary reference intakes : recommended intakes for individuals -- DuBois body surface area chart : estimating body surface area of adults and children -- Formulas for computing drug dosages -- Gauging healthy weight : the body mass index -- Glasgow coma scale -- Guideline for hand hygiene in healthcare setting --…”
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