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Towards health justice: Implementing structural competency in women’s healthcare education
Published 2025-01-01“…Findings: The review presents (1) comprehensive evidence of health disparities in women’s healthcare, particularly affecting racial and ethnic minorities; (2) the critical role of structural competency in addressing systemic barriers and discrimination in healthcare delivery; (3) effective teaching strategies including lecture-based, case-based, team-based, and simulation-based learning approaches; Findings indicate that successful implementation of structural competency requires multi-level interventions across individual, interpersonal, clinic, community, research, and policy domains. …”
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மரபிலக்கண நூல்களில் இடைச்சொற்களின் அமைப்பு முறை / Structure of Interjections in Traditional Grammar Texts...
Published 2025-01-01“…Among them, in Tolkappiyam’s Solladikaram - Interjection, the three types such as those that give meaning in their own (Tham Kuruppil Porul Unarthuvana, Acai-nilai (something) and Icai-Niṟai (an expletive used to fill a gap in the metre of a rhyme) are explained in detail. …”
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Using the ADAPT guidance to culturally adapt a brief intervention to reduce alcohol use among injury patients in Tanzania.
Published 2025-01-01“…Our study demonstrates our approach to adapting substance use interventions for use in low resource settings and shows that cultural adaptation of alcohol use interventions is feasible, beneficial and empowering for our team. Our study lays a framework and method for other low resourced settings to integrate cultural adaptation into the implementation of a BNI in low resource EDs.…”
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Participatory Project Implementation and Sustainability of Government Funded Projects a Case study of Parish Development Model in Kabale District, Uganda
Published 2023“…The study suggests that in order to ensure the sustainability of the parish development model, more emphasis should be placed on adopting participatory project implementation through defining the project implementation team, customer satisfaction, project outputs realization, and project expansion and scale-up.…”
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Assertive outreach : current perspectives /
Published 2011Table of Contents: “…/ Andrew Molodynski and Tom Burns -- Multi-professional working in assertive outreach / Hannah Steer and Steve Onyett -- Fidelity and flexibility / Caroline Williams, Rob MacPherson, and Mike Firn -- Cognitive behaviour therapy for assertive outreach service users / Robert Griffiths, Caroline Williams, and Neil Harris -- Dual diagnosis : putting policy into practice / Rory Allott, Ian Wilson, and Mike Firn -- Use of medication in assertive outreach / Rob MacPherson and Tom Edwards -- Relatives, friends, and carers' experiences : involvement and support / Simon Wharne ... …”
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Armand Mattelart’ın “İletişimin Dünyasallaşması” Eseri Çerçevesinde 1980’lerdeki Türk Basınının Değişimi
Published 2021-05-01“…Çalışmanın amacı Armand Mattelart’ın İletişimin Dünyasallaşması eseri doğrultusunda, 1980’li yıllarda Türk toplumunun ve siyasetinin geçirdiği değişimi ve bunun medya üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymaktır. …”
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Osoba św. Melanii Młodszej w świetle Vita Sanctae Melaniae Senatricis Romae autorstwa Geroncjusza
Published 2015-06-01“…Po siedmiu latach pobytu w Afryce udali się do Ziemi Świętej. Melania ufundowała tam co najmniej dwa klasztory. Na Górze Oliwnej Melania spędziła kilka lat, żyjąc w surowej ascezie. …”
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Published 2025-01-01“…Nitekim hakkın önemi, hakkın uygulanma kapsamı, haktan yararlanabilecek kişiler, haktan yararlanmanın karşılığı, tercüman temin etme yükümlülüğü ve tercümanın niteliği, hakkın kısıtlanması ve haktan feragat gibi pek çok mesele Mahkemenin kararlarına konu olmuştur. Bu çalışmada tüm bu meseleler incelenecek; hakkın kullanım alanı netleştirilecektir. …”
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Ulusal Gazetelerde Semih Çelik Cinayeti: Kadına Yönelik Şiddetin Medyada Temsili ve Çerçevelenmesi
Published 2024-12-01“…Dindar ve milliyetçi basın ise genellikle ahlaki ve dinî temalar üzerinden çerçeveleme yapmış, ancak nadiren şiddeti toplumsal bir tehdit olarak ele almıştır. Tüm medya organlarında şiddeti önlemeye yönelik kapsamlı çözüm önerilerinin eksik olduğu tespit edilmiştir. …”
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Walter Ong’un Düşünce Dünyası ve Medya Ekolojisi Geleneğine Etkileri
Published 2024-12-01“…Akademik çalışmalarının en başından ölümüne kadar ele aldığı tüm çalışmalar birbirleriyle bağlantılı olan Ong, özellikle sözlü ve yazılı kültür konusundaki fikirleriyle öne çıkmıştır. …”
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A Feasibility Study on Nano-Particle Properties for Signal Generation at NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detectors
Published 2025-01-01“…Materials and Methods: The study involved simulating various incidence beams to determine the wavelengths and intensities of light photons emitted from a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. …”
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Los que no pueden quedarse en casa: movilidad urbana y vulnerabilidad territorial en el área metropolitana de Barcelona durante la pandemia COVID-19
Published 2020-11-01“…La investigación parte de la hipótesis según la cual la capacidad de cada persona de gestionar su movilidad en la ciudad se relaciona directamente con los recursos económicos y el capital social del que dispone, es decir, de su mayor o menor vulnerabilidad. …”
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Elastodynamic modeling and analysis of a 4SRRR overconstrained parallel robot
Published 2025-02-01“…<p>To address the unstructured on-site work requirements in shipyards and large-steel-structure manufacturing plants, this paper develops a 4SRRR (where S is spherical and R is rotational) quadruped wall-climbing robot, establishes a dynamic analytical model, and analyzes its natural frequencies. First, Timoshenko beam elements, which consider shear deformation, are used to replace Euler–Bernoulli beam elements, and the dynamic control equations for each element are established. …”
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Importancia de la formación continua del profesorado en el área técnica y profesional
Published 2025-02-01“…Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una encuesta en línea, en la cual se indagó acerca de la formación continua en el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional, como también las limitaciones de acceso a la formación continua. …”
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Hipnosis como tratamiento del dolor en pacientes con fibromialgia
Published 2013-06-01“…La fibromialgia es un conjunto de síntomas diversos de etiología aún incierta, sin embargo, su común denominador, el dolor crónico generalizado de los músculos, ataca de forma impredecible con una variable duración e intensidad, el cual llega muchas veces a ser discapacitante. Actualmente, la medicación resulta insuficiente, por lo que se requiere un abordaje interdisciplinario en el cual la hipnosis representa una opción prometedora. …”
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Yüzün Fenomenolojisi ve Etik: Müge Anlı Örneği
Published 2023-06-01“…Kendisi tümüyle çıplak olan yüz, tam da bu derinliği nedeniyle zorunlu olarak bizi sorumlu kılar. …”
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Pustelnik jako duchowy pielgrzym – próba pastoralnoteologicznej interpretacji „migracji ascetycznej” w oparciu o dokumenty Kościoła
Published 2017-10-01“…Mnisi wykonują ruch w fizycznej sferze, odchodząc w odosobnione miejsce. Podejmują tam różne formy pokuty. To pozwala im na wejście w głębię swojego serca, poświęcenie się modlitwie i medytacji. …”
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Siostra Klara Staszczak (1905–1991) jako przykład heroicznej realizacji konsekracji zakonnej
Published 2017-10-01“…Zmarła 19 czerwca 1991 roku w Barze na Podolu, tam też została pochowana. Do dnia dzisiejszego siostry na Ukrainie kontynuują spuściznę duchową matki założycielki, którą s. …”
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