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GC Insights: The <i>Anthro-Pokécene</i> – environmental impacts echoed in the Pokémon world
Published 2025-02-01“…Here, we show how Pokémon, the largest multimedia franchise worldwide, mirrors public discourse in the video games' narratives with regard to human impacts on environmental change. …”
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Effect of educational content creators on student motivation and learning outcomes in the pandemic COVID-19
Published 2022-06-01“…This research is motivated by the fact that students often watch learning videos from educational content creators to look for subject matter that is not yet understood. …”
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Efectos de las instrucciones audiovisuales no explícitas sobre el comportamiento alimentario
Published 2010-01-01“…Los participantes fueron f lmados en dos programas de video. En la primera fase se grabaron videos musicales y en la segunda, un documental sobre hábitos alimentarios saludables. …”
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Eye-tracking dataset of endoscopist-AI teaming during colonoscopy: Retrospective and real-time acquisition
Published 2025-02-01“…A common limitation of existing studies is their reliance on retrospective video clips, which fail to capture the dynamic demands of real-time colonoscopy, where endoscopists must simultaneously navigate the colonoscope and identify lesions on the screen. …”
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Sistemas MIMO con un elevado número de antenas: clave para la 5G inalámbrica
Published 2015-01-01“…La demanda de altas velocidades y capacidades en comunicación inalámbrica de datos, con tráfico creciente de servicios como el video de alta definición, las videollamadas y la sincronización de fotos y videos del móvil, plantea un reto que se entiende resuelto con el trabajo que se está haciendo para la 5G inalámbrica. …”
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The Trinity and an ecclesiology from below
Published 2024-11-01“…The vision of the church that transpires, highlights features such as intellectual vibrancy, hospitality, publicality, vulnerability, and transgression, among some of the 12 coordinates. …”
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Penggunaan Internet Dikalangan Siswa SD di Kota Ternate: Suatu Survey, Penerapan Algoritma Clustering dan Validasi DBI
Published 2020-12-01“…Untuk aktivitas ketika membuka youtube terdapat 61,60% sering menonton video di youtube dengan 61,60% video karton, komedi 49,80% dan konten edukasi 28,40%. …”
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The Older Gamer in Games Studies: Marginalised or Idealised?
Published 2020-12-01“…Using an intersectional vision of critical gerontology studies and critical disability studies, we find that implicit compulsory youthfulness and compulsory ablebodiedness or ablemindedness colours studies about both older gamers and disabled gamers. …”
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Jóvenes, temporalidades y narrativas visuales en el conflicto armado colombiano
Published 2016-01-01“…En este artículo expongo los resultados de una investigación sobre la construcción social del tiempo, en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano, de jóvenes que participan en un festival de cine y video comunitario en Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá). Partiendo del presupuesto de que el tiempo es un regulador que permite a los individuos y grupos sintetizar, integrar y coordinar el mundo social, este estudio lo apoyé metodológicamente en el análisis cultural de los productos visuales que han circulado en las siete versiones del festival -videos, documentales y películas-, asumiendo que a partir de su puesta en escena se conjugan modos de temporización sociales, éticos y estéticos en los mundos de vida juveniles. …”
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Un instante en el infierno: memoria de la eternidad en Farabeuf de Salvador Elizondo
Published 2011-01-01“…A partir de esta generalidad se puede establecer que la escritura de Elizondo, particularmente en Farabeuf, constituye un experimento para abandonar el canon y acariciar atisbos de lo continuo y lo mudable, pues no hay límites reales en ella, es decir, conforma una visión prismática que envuelve al observador en un desfile interminable de sensaciones, así alcanza un carácter vivencial, una experiencia latente en cada rincón de la narración.…”
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Leadership Skills Series #3: Communication & Conflict Management
Published 2018-11-01“…Outlined throughout the publication is a brief synopsis of each of the four different videos, a link to the videos, and recommended questions to help facilitate group discussion. …”
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Pengembangan Aplikasi E-Learning Edu IT : Pembuatan Aplikasi Ujian Essay Online serta Upload Download Materi Kuliah
Published 2021-10-01“…Salah satu fitur e-learning dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah dapat menampilkan materi, soal latihan, percakapan melalui text/video maupun video, kuis, dan ujian secara elektronik. …”
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Analisis Perpindahan Wisatawan dan Preferensi Desrinasi Wisata Favorit Berdasarkan Geotag Instagram (Studi Kasus pada Destinasi Wisata Bandung Raya)
Published 2022-06-01“…Instagram adalah media yang memungkinkan pengguna dapat membagikan foto dan video. Data foto dan video pada Instagram di-generate oleh pengguna sendiri (user generated content). …”
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Leadership Skills Series #3: Communication & Conflict Management
Published 2018-11-01“…Outlined throughout the publication is a brief synopsis of each of the four different videos, a link to the videos, and recommended questions to help facilitate group discussion. …”
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Efficacy and safety of the enhanced monofocal intraocular lens in glaucoma of varying severity
Published 2025-02-01“…No significant differences were observed between the two groups in the extent of these improvements, suggesting that enhanced monofocal lenses may offer a viable alternative for patients with glaucoma, providing significant visual benefits and potentially better intermediate vision while preserving overall visual function.…”
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“High energy ahead!”: exploring Chinese adolescents’ pragmatic identities in bullet-screen discourse
Published 2025-02-01“…Particularly in China, bullet-screen video platforms, exemplified by Bilibili, have quickly attracted a large youth audience due to their features of real-time interaction and deep engagement. …”
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MKER: multi-modal knowledge extraction and reasoning for future event prediction
Published 2025-01-01“…Furthermore, the adaptive cross-modality feature fusion module aligns video and language information by using object relationship knowledge as guidance to learn vision-language representation. …”
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Comparative Analysis of Pre-trained based CNN-RNN Deep Learning Models on Anomaly-5 Dataset for Action Recognition
Published 2024-10-01“… Action recognition in videos is one of the essential, challenging and active area of research in the field of computer vision that adopted in various applications including automated surveillance systems, security systems and human computer interaction. …”
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Relato de uma extensão em tempos de isolamento social: Criação de um recurso educacional sobre matemática na pandemia de COVID-19
Published 2025-02-01“…Scientific reports, journal articles, YouTube videos, and original video content were also shared. …”
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