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Impact of knowledge management, knowledge sharing, and mental accounting on farmer performance in Sasi culture in Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Published 2025-02-01“…The welfare of farmers and agricultural productivity are significantly influenced by challenges in business and financial management. …”
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Influence of Female Teachers’ Reproductive Health Experiences on Their Work Performance in Schools.
Published 2024“…These findings are of great importance to the Ministry of Education, school administrators, and future researchers they will guide policy formulation to improve the welfare of female teachers at the workplace. The state through the Ministry of Education and Sports should formulate a public policy agenda on gender equity to promote the welfare and inclusion of female teachers in all departments at the workplace. …”
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Climate Forecast and Decision Making in Agriculture
Published 2004-08-01“… Farmers make decisions on a daily basis that affect their financial returns and overall welfare. The consequences of decisions are often not known with certainty until long after the decisions occur and the outcomes can be better or worse than expected. …”
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Climate Forecast and Decision Making in Agriculture
Published 2004-08-01“… Farmers make decisions on a daily basis that affect their financial returns and overall welfare. The consequences of decisions are often not known with certainty until long after the decisions occur and the outcomes can be better or worse than expected. …”
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Friends during Early Adolescence
Published 2012-07-01“…“If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 10 and 14, you probably have heard, “But Mom, Dad, all my friends do, have, or wear…” something you don’t want them to do, have, or wear.” …”
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Friends during Early Adolescence
Published 2012-07-01“…“If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 10 and 14, you probably have heard, “But Mom, Dad, all my friends do, have, or wear…” something you don’t want them to do, have, or wear.” …”
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Bycie dziecka w Polsce „dobrej zmiany”– między Konwencją o Prawach Dziecka a rzeczywistością
Published 2018-12-01“…The analysis shows the disagreement between the assumptions of the pro-family state policy and the situation of the child in Poland. Concern about child welfare presented by the governmental authorities is apparent and insufficient, which adversely affects children’s well-being and the quality of their lives. …”
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Miłosierdzie jako termin teologiczny
Published 2014-01-01“…Z ostatnim ściśle związany jest społeczny wymiar miłosierdzia oraz jego pastoralny, liturgiczny, psychologiczny i prawny aspekt. …”
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Constitutions as Intergenerational Contracts: Flexible or fixed?
Published 2017-06-01“…With regard to intergenerational justice, their endurance gives rise to two concerns: the (forgone) welfare concern and the sovereignty concern. In this paper, I outline a procedure for constitution- amending that is intergenerationally just. …”
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Published 2023-11-01“…This study recommends that both exchange rate and inflation should be regulated by the monetary authority through appropriate monetary policies like low rate of interest and rejection of further currency devaluation measures to promote the performance of the MS without jeopardizing the welfare of the citizenry in Nigeria, since both high exchange and inflation rates are characterized by adverse welfare effects. …”
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Validation of a Radio frequency identification system for tracking location of laying hens in a quasi-commercial aviary system
Published 2023-09-01“…Cage-free housing is increasingly chosen in Europe, North America, and Australia as an animal-welfare friendly farm system for laying hens. However, hens are kept in large numbers in those systems which makes checking for health and welfare difficult and individuals cannot be identified. …”
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Climate Change, Intergenerational Justice and Development
Published 2009-10-01“…As a basis for the further discussion, a criterion for moral duties is proposed, progressive norm welfarism, which takes up the constructivist idea (third section). …”
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Eminönü Yeni Cami Hünkâr Kasrı’nın Yıkılmasının 1930’lu Yıllarda Gündeme Gelmesi ve Türk Basınındaki Tartışmalar
Published 2024-12-01“…yüzyıl Türk sivil mimarisini yansıtmaktadır ve kasrın iç mekânı, çinicilik, kalem işi, ahşap işçiliği gibi geleneksel Türk sanatlarının önemli örneklerine sahiptir. 1930’lu yılların ikinci yarısındaki imar hareketleri kapsamında Fransız mimar ve şehir plancısı Henri Prost’un İstanbul ile ilgili hazırladığı planlarda Hünkâr Kasrı’nın yıkılması öngörülmüş ve bu konu 1938 yılı başlarında uzunca bir süre basında tartışılmıştır. …”
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Published 2022-05-01“…The phenomenon of cavitation, wear or corrosion are effects of the operating conditions of these subassemblies (pipes, valves, valves, elbows, connections, cooling systems). …”
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Pesticide Emergencies: Contingency Planning
Published 2016-02-01“… In the event of a pesticide emergency, having an emergency response plan can help protect the health and welfare of employees and the community, minimize environmental damage, and potentially reduce liability. …”
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Kerk, koerant en die kwessie van nuus toegepas op die Rapport-berig oor huise van NG Welsyn Vrystaat vir predikante
Published 2003-12-01“…This report focuses on houses of DRC Welfare in the Free State which have been sold to ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church. …”
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Family Reunification Following Foster Care
Published 2013-04-01“…Researchers and practitioners in child welfare have provided helpful information to develop workable plans to aid families in reunifying and rebuilding. …”
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Age Groups and Generations: Lines of Conflict and Potentials for Integration
Published 2009-06-01“…Furthermore, although it is often claimed that the welfare state is increasingly dominated by the elderly, this is far from being the case. …”
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County Property Values and Tax Impacts of Florida's Citrus Industry
Published 2003-12-01“… Events impacting the citrus industry, such as citrus canker or increased foreign competition due to liberalization of trade barriers, may have a dramatic impact on the welfare of local communities. This paper provides estimates of the local fiscal impacts of ad valorem property taxes paid by citrus grove owners, and taxes generated by citrus processing operations. …”
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Pesticide Emergencies: Contingency Planning
Published 2016-02-01“… In the event of a pesticide emergency, having an emergency response plan can help protect the health and welfare of employees and the community, minimize environmental damage, and potentially reduce liability. …”
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