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Deleterious effects of thermal and water stresses on life history and physiology: a case study on woodlouse
Published 2023-01-01“…Our findings demonstrate overall a negative impact of high temperature and low moisture on woodlouse welfare. Changing temperature or moisture had slightly different effects, illustrating the need to test further the respective role of each of these key components of climate change on organisms to predict more reliably the future of our ecosystems. …”
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European Food Safety Certification - The GlobalG.A.P® Standard and Its Accredited Certification Scheme
Published 2012-03-01“…Despite its environmental origins, the main concern is food safety, followed by worker welfare, and then ecological matters. There are slightly different versions for fresh fruit and vegetables, meat products, flowers and ornamentals, and combinable crops (grains and pulses). …”
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Biblijne modele małżeństwa w perspektywie społecznych ról mężczyzn i kobiet
Published 2014-11-01“…W ostatniej części artykułu przedstawiony został wymiar teologiczno-eklezjologiczny – symbolika oblubieńcza odnoszona do Chrystusa i Kościoła, zwłaszcza pod kątem występujących w niej założeń co do roli kobiet i mężczyzn. …”
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Spatial Considerations Needed when Balancing Land Conservation and Development
Published 2022-03-01“…Planners, builders, and managers must recognize and conserve spatial differences in habitat types and understand how the size, shape, and location of conserved lands and urban ecosystems affect plant and animal welfare and movement. The publication lists multiple free tools for visualizing and measuring spatial aspects and stresses that conserved areas and designed ecosystems must be properly managed to reap benefits from good spatial planning. …”
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Improving Public Policy for Children: A Vote for Each Child
Published 2009-11-01“…The purposes of this paper are to: 1) summarize, from the fields of ethics, government, law, social welfare and public health, current thinking about enfranchisement of children; 2) review the evolution of voting and representation in the US and identify misperceptions about barriers to equitable representation of children; 3) discuss the legal basis for children being regarded as adults and adult proxy decision making for children; and 4) suggest strategies to stimulate an equitable system of child representation by altering our current system of voting.…”
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Published 2023-05-01“…However, there were numerous factors influencing this growth, starting with state policies, insurance companies’ management along with welfare and socio-demographic factors. This paper addresses some of the later by focusing on age and notoriety, aiming to determine the possible correlation between socio-demographic variables such as age and health insurance products. …”
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European Food Safety Certification - The GlobalG.A.P® Standard and Its Accredited Certification Scheme
Published 2012-03-01“…Despite its environmental origins, the main concern is food safety, followed by worker welfare, and then ecological matters. There are slightly different versions for fresh fruit and vegetables, meat products, flowers and ornamentals, and combinable crops (grains and pulses). …”
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Kierunki badań w homiletyce polskiej na podstawie zawartości Bibliografii homiletycznej
Published 2017-06-01“…Wskazują na priorytetową rolę homilii w przepowiadaniu słowa Bożego, akcentują mistagogiczny wymiar homilii. Szeroko omawiane są zagadnienia z zakresu homiletyki formalnej, zwłaszcza zaś retorycznego wymiaru przepowiadania. …”
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Meeting the psycho-social needs of people with disabilities in Uganda.
Published 2018“…There is therefore the need for the formation of a more articulate social engineering to enhance the welfare of the handicapped children.…”
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Donor age contributes more to the rheological properties of stored red blood cells than donor sex and biological age distribution
Published 2025-02-01“…Teenage male RCCs had the largest reduction in Ohyper (osmolality in the hypertonic region corresponding to 50% of the maximum RBC elongation [EImax]). The strongest correlations between Ohyper and mean corpuscular hemoglobin content (R2 > 0.5) were witnessed with O-RBCs from senior donors, and to a lesser extent with teenage males. …”
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The effects of different carbon-fiber plate shapes in shoes on lower limb biomechanics following running-induced fatigue
Published 2025-02-01“…The activation level of the tibialis anterior (TA) was significantly higher when wearing “Curve” in pre-fatigue compared to “Flat”, whereas the opposite was observed post-fatigue. …”
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Degradation and ultrastructural changes of resin-based pit and fissure sealants under simulated chewing conditions
Published 2025-02-01“…Abstract Background Resin-based pit and fissure sealants, used to prevent dental caries, can experience abrasive wear. This study aimed to assess the abrasive wear of experimental pit and fissure sealants (DIF) compared with the other commercial pit and fissure sealants by measuring surface roughness, volume loss, and ultrastructure after chewing simulation at different time points. …”
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A minimally invasive animal model of atherosclerosis and neointimal hyperplasia for translational research
Published 2025-02-01“…The stent-retriever method was compared with a conventional rabbit model (n = 10) using balloon denudation via surgical access, and both models were analyzed with a particular focus on animal welfare. Fisher’s exact, Mann–Whitney U, and unpaired t-tests were used. …”
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Published 2016-03-01“… Atmospheric pollution present interest for monitoring and analysis when one or more substances or mixture of pollutants are present in the atmosphere in quantities or for a period that can be dangerous for humans, animals or plants and contribute to endangering the activity or welfare of persons. The present research was aimed to establish a link between meteorological factors (temperature, wind, atmospherically humidity, solar radiation, air pressure) and the ammonia air pollutant. …”
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Kiskisitotaso, Don’t Forget Yourself: Indigenous Resurgence in David A. Robertson’s Barren Grounds
Published 2025-01-01“…Robertson’s (Norway House Cree) children’s novel The Barren Grounds (2020) intervenes in Canada’s historical and ongoing child welfare systems’ impacts on Indigenous children and youth. …”
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Restoration of Central Power or Betrayal of Regional Autonomy? Analysis of the Impact of Recentralization of Mining Authority in the Era of Limited Autonomy
Published 2024-12-01“…While centralization may streamline governance, it poses significant challenges for regional governments in managing resources independently, impacting local welfare and sustainable development. This research offers novel insights into the tension between national efficiency and regional autonomy, emphasizing the urgency of re-evaluating policies to balance these interests. …”
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Published 2020-01-01“…The analysis is carried out by means of historical survey, budgetary data and legal interpretation using the constitutionally adopted ideology theory as an instrument that affirms that there isn’t a unique economic ideology in the constitution, but a plurality of possibilities to materialize the welfare state. Among the economic aspects that dispute the public budget, it is possible to point two main doctrines: the economics of ethics and the economics of engineering. …”
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Why Aceh-Indonesia Conflict Resolution can’t be Copy-Paste in Bangsamoro-Philippines Issue?
Published 2022-06-01“…The main objective is to identify similarities rational choice (survival, security, economy/welfare, prestige, and influence) especially how political elites would still feel enjoy to conduct those agreements in both regions. …”
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A Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus: ação social além-fronteiras
Published 2016-01-01“…On the one hand, the church establishes partnerships with governmental institutions in order to promote itself as a social welfare organization. On the other hand, the sisterhoods offer promises of emotional success and social reconstruction. …”
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Geneza, kontekst i tematyka kazań pasyjnych
Published 2014-04-01“…Jego istotnym elementem jest kazanie pasyjne, którego podstawowym tematem jest zbawczy wymiar męki Chrystusa. Źródłem dla tych kazań są ewangeliczne opowiadania o ukrzyżowaniu Chrystusa. …”
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