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Schedule-based analysis of airborne transmission risk in public transportation systems
Published 2025-01-01“…The model is utilized to assess transmission risk as a function of OD flows, planned operations, and factors such as mask-wearing, ventilation, and infection rates. Using actual OD and AVL data from the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Red Line, the paper explores the airborne transmission risk under different infection rate scenarios. …”
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The experimental and numerical studies on the effects of the operating conditions on the performance of breastshot waterwheel
Published 2025-03-01“…The wheel was installed on a channel with the weir head of 250 mm, the headrace length of 100 mm, and the water flow rate of 0.014 m3/sec. …”
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Filtration Performance and Fiber Shedding Behavior in Common Respirator and Face Mask Materials
Published 2023-01-01“…Abstract Wearing respirators and face masks is effective for protecting the public from COVID-19 infection. …”
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A Detection Method for Conveyor Belt Damage with Small Size and Low Contrast
Published 2025-01-01“…[Findings] Experimental results demonstrate that the mean average precision of this model is increased by 3.92% compared with that of YOLOv4, and the detection accuracy of small-size crack damage and low-contrast wear damage is improved by 4.32% and 4.24%, respectively, which effectively solves the problems of missed detection and false detection.…”
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Evaluation of Personal Protective Equipment Using Low-cost Aerosol Monitors
Published 2024-03-01“…Measurements of particulate matter escaping through PPE could provide information regarding the efficacy on the wearer and on the surrounding of the PPE and guide the selection of appropriate PPE to wear in different conditions. Research grade particle technology devices are not widely available. …”
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Turismo en Mallorca
Published 2023-12-01“…Geography can help inform this political debate on the transformation of the system of production, consumption and social relations oriented towards a necessary contraction and convergence of the metabolic flow per capita, for the improvement of human welfare and by redistributive, egalitarian and consensual methods. …”
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Combining several indicators to assess the effectiveness of tailor-made health plans in pig farms
Published 2023-09-01“…A tailor-made health plan is a set of recommendations for a farmer to achieve and maintain a high health and welfare status. Tailored to each farm, it is intended to be an effective way of triggering change. …”
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Turismo en Mallorca
Published 2023-12-01“…Geography can help inform this political debate on the transformation of the system of production, consumption and social relations oriented towards a necessary contraction and convergence of the metabolic flow per capita, for the improvement of human welfare and by redistributive, egalitarian and consensual methods. …”
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Evaluation of Government Programmes on Enhancing the Lives of the Elderly: A Case Study of Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment in Mitooma District.
Published 2024“…The study was guided by objectives namely to identify the influence of government programmes on lives of the elderly, to find out the challenges facing the implementation of SAGE, and to find out the strategies to improve the welfare of the elderly in Mitoma district. The research design chosen for the study was a descriptive sample survey. …”
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Comparison of Distraction Techniques using Salivary Biomarkers during Local Anaesthesia Administration in Children Aged 3–5 Years: A Clinical Study
Published 2023-04-01“…Children were then asked to wear overhead phones in the AD group, connected to a phone, and rhymes were played. …”
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Formacja liturgiczna alumnów po Soborze Watykańskim II
Published 2023-06-01“…Fundamentem formacji liturgicznej jest zbawcze dzieło Jezusa oraz udział człowieka w jest misterium paschalnym Chrystusa poprzez wiarę i sakramenty. Formacja ta ma być mistagogiczną, więc ma obejmować przede wszystkim uczestnictwo w liturgii, która sama ma moc oddziaływania na jej uczestników. …”
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Orthodontic retention protocol among Kurdistan Region of Iraq orthodontists
Published 2020-06-01“…Results: Bonded retainer was the most common retainer for both maxillary (48.57%) and mandibular (65.71%) arches. 28.54% of the orthodontist ended bonded retention within 2 years, while 37% of orthodontists continued retention for more than 2 years. 77.14 % of participants advised to wear the removable appliances on a full-time basis during the first 6 months. …”
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Religijny portret młodego uczestnika Światowych Dni Młodzieży 2016
Published 2017-12-01“…Następnie omówiono elementy postaw religijnych, a więc wiarę, utożsamianie się młodych z Kościołem, ukazano praktyki religijne młodzieży, przytoczono opinie młodzieży na tematy moralności, świadomość przynależności młodzieży do parafii i do ruchów religijnych, w końcu zaś stosunek do instytucjonalnego Kościoła. …”
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Influence of Human Activities on the Rate of Soil Erosion in Ihunga Hill Nyarushanje Sub-County Rukungiri District.
Published 2024“…The study results on the implications of soil erosion to the local community in Nyarushanje Sub-County Rukungiri District were degrading land resource base, soil quality depreciation, low food and agriculture, wearing away of the land surface, loss of the nutrient-rich upper layers of the soil and reduced water-holding capacity. …”
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Thesis -
Call for Papers: Demography Prize for Young Researches 2016/2017
Published 2016-12-01“…In particular, how – if at all – do they succeed in balancing the welfare spending between the young and the old, and what measures ought they be taking in this regard? …”
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Determinants of family planning services uptake among women within the reproductive age in the Yendi municipality in Northern Ghana
Published 2025-02-01“…A health facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 396 reproductive-aged women, sampled from 6 randomly selected health facilities in the Yendi municipality. The child welfare clinic (CWC) served as the point for the sampling of study respondents. …”
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Enhancing anthropometric proficiency: Effect of a structured training program on skills of Anganwadi workers in rural areas of Raebareli District, Uttar Pradesh
Published 2025-01-01“…Statistical Analysis Used: The McNemar Chi-square test was used for paired categorical data analysis. …”
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Filtration efficiency of medical and community face masks against particles carrying SARS-CoV-2
Published 2024-12-01“…Airborne bioaerosols, such as SARS-CoV-2, pose significant respiratory risks. Wearing respiratory masks is a preventive measure to reduce exposure and control the transmission of airborne diseases. …”
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Comparison of chewing activity in patients requiring complete denture with two different occlusions
Published 2020-06-01“…The patients received bilaterally balanced occlusion (BBO) complete denture and lingualized occlusion (LO) complete denture in random order. The patients wear each set of complete denture for one month. …”
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Addressing COVID-19 Spread: Development of Reliable Testing System for Mask Reuse
Published 2020-09-01“…Abstract While the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) continues to wreak havoc globally, self-protection from possible infection by wearing a mask in daily life has become the norm in many places. …”
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