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Suggested Topics within your search.
- methods 6
- Study and teaching 3
- Automation 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Chemistry, Clinical 2
- Health and Fitness 2
- History and criticism 2
- Mass media 2
- Philosophy 2
- Politics and government 2
- 44.83 rheumatology, orthopedics 1
- ART / Digital 1
- Academic writing 1
- Advertising media planning 1
- Agricultural diversification 1
- Ambulatory Care 1
- Ambulatory medical care 1
- Auto Mechanics 1
- Automobile mechanics 1
- Automobiles 1
- Biography 1
- Bodies 1
- COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Suites 1
- Chemical processes 1
- Children 1
- Communication 1
- Communication in nursing 1
- Composition and exercises 1
- Computer animation 1
- Decision Making 1
ANTi-JAM solutions for smart roads: Ant-inspired traffic flow rules under CAVs environment
Published 2025-01-01“…Emerging technologies, including smart roads, communication systems, and Cooperative and Automated Vehicles (CAVs), allow us to speculate on the use of traffic control systems inspired by ant behaviour to avoid the risk of congestion even at high traffic volumes, as demonstrated by the preliminary results of this research.…”
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Shugart, M. y Taagepera, R. (2017). Votes from seats. Logical models of electoral systems. Nueva York: Cambridge University Press
Published 2020-06-01“…En "Votes from Seats" se vislumbra la continuidad y – en parte – la culminación de décadas de estudio de los sistemas electorales por estos autores. Expanden el camino iniciado en sus obras anteriores (v.g., Taagepera y Shugart, 1989 y 1993), pero también corrigen premisas que ahora consideran equivocadas y afinan predicciones que antes no pasaban de ser sospechas, como abiertamente declaran. …”
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Manifestar(se). Once ejercicios de resistencia a favor de la educación / (Self) Manifesting. Eleven exercises for education
Published 2018-05-01“…A partir de la lectura de Un Manifiesto por la educación,publicado en 2010 por Gert Biesta y Carl Anders Säfström los autores de este volumen nos permitimos preguntarnos, reflexionar, manifestarnos sobre aspectos que casi a diez años de su publicación tienen vigencia en tiempos en que, para algunos, existe una larga agonía/crisis de la educación y del sistema escolar. …”
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Teoria e políticas de reconhecimento
Published 2023-09-01“…Vladimir Safatle e Nancy Fraser compreendem que o deslocamento do debate da questão redistributiva para a centrada nas identidades pari passu com a emergência do neoliberalismo não é acidental e desvia o foco da questão econômica ao deslocar a política para a órbita das pautas culturais, resultando em retrocessos sociais sem a necessária resistência. Tais autores buscam, assim, uma teoria de reconhecimento que não secundarize a questão redistributiva. …”
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Published 2014-04-01“… Foi com a intenção de compreender melhor os resultados da política de pós-graduação stricto sensu da UFPE que os autores realizaram uma pesquisa envolvendo os diversos campos do conhecimento dessa instituição, buscando elaborar uma avaliação global implantada por ela. …”
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Reforma Gerencial, Neodesenvolvimentismo e Ponte para o Futuro: recentes contradições das políticas sociais brasileiras
Published 2019-07-01“…Recorremos a uma análise bibliográfica com base em autores e autoras sobre a política social e também a uma análise documental dos programas de governo nesses três períodos, que nos levaram a identificar particularidades nas políticas sociais, sobretudo de seu caráter cada vez menos público, processo que se recrudesce na década em curso, capitaneado pela austeridade na política econômico do governo ilegítimo que comanda o país desde 2016. …”
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Using Propensity Score Matching Technique to Estimate Utilization and Costs of General Practitioners’ Services associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
Published 2016-03-01“…Propensity scores were then estimated using the generalized boosted model, a multivariate, nonparametric and automated algorithm technique. **Setting:** Observational data from Statistics Denmark registry. …”
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Learning and intergenerational communication through digital storytelling in the first grades of primary school: Yesteryear Jobs
Published 2015-10-01“…Yesteryear jobs have been chosen as the theme of this research, based on the premise that, as computers and automated systems increasingly take the jobs humans once held, entire professions become extinct, and some of these endangered professions, from a milkman to an iceman, could become better known to primary school children through storytelling from elderly people. …”
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Rok liturgiczny w nauczaniu papieża Piusa XII. W 75. rocznicę ogłoszenia encykliki o liturgii „Mediator Dei”
Published 2023-10-01“…Pius XII, wytyczając kierunek współczesnej odnowy liturgicznej, swym autorytetem utorował drogę odnowionej po wiekach sakramentalnej wizji roku zbawienia, zgodnie z którą Kościół starożytny budował roczny krąg obchodów liturgicznych. Nie ma wątpliwości, że współczesna heortologia stanowi kontynuację i teologiczne rozwinięcie oraz pogłębienie koncepcji roku kościelnego przedstawionej w encyklice o liturgii Mediator Dei. …”
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Assessment of priorities, quality, and inclusivity of digital therapeutics trials in China
Published 2025-02-01“…Over 70% were funded by governments, hospitals, and universities, with tertiary hospitals in eastern China leading most trials. 44.8% used automated DTx, with 39.2% DTx-guided. Most trials focused on management (52.5%) and treatment (38.1%), with few on prevention (9.4%). …”
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The importance of modern information technology for making business decisions
Published 2019-01-01“…It should be borne in mind that information, as a set of data, is always related to some system and processes, which implies that it can be any kind of system, from a technical device, through an organizational system, to a biological system. Therefore, the automation of information processing, as an IT object, is a general term and applies to all areas of human activity. …”
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Memoria suprimida: literatura bajo represión política
Published 2024-11-01“…Las medidas de restricción y de supresión se manifestaban principalmente en actos de censura o en la persecución de productores culturales, a veces con consecuencias devastadores, como penas de cárcel, trabajo forzoso o incluso sentencias de muerte. Las obras de autores ‘renitentes’ fueron mutiladas, suprimidas y erradicadas del paisaje cultural de ambos países, lo que desembarcó en una deformación de su patrimonio cultural que forma una pieza integral de su memoria y de la identidad del presente. …”
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Premiações e Instâncias Legitimadoras das Artes Visuais no Uruguai (1980 a 2018)
Published 2023-12-01“…A pesquisa foi desenvolvida durante um programa de residência no Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo (EAC), situado em Montevideo, em que ambos os autores participaram. Focalizamos quatro exposições promovidas no contexto nacional de 1980 a 2018: o Premio Paul Cézanne, a Muestra Nacional de Plásticos Jóvenes, o Premio Nacional de Artes Visuales e o Salón Municipal de Artes Plásticas. …”
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Resonancias y paradojas de la Educación: notas para hablar en nombre de ella / Resonances and paradoxes of education. Notes to speak on its behalf
Published 2018-05-01“… En este trabajo se plantean un conjunto de notas que pretenden dialogar con algunas de las cuestiones que dejan abiertas los autores del Manifiesto. Nuestro recorrido reflexivo parte de considerar que la demanda que formulan Biesta y Säfström implica retomar un modo de interrogación que aborda la ontología de la educación como una cuestión nodal para la teoría y la investigación educativa. …”
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The effect of smart contracts (blockchain technology) on Jordan’s land registry and survey department for sustainable development
Published 2025-02-01“…The data, gathered through online surveys and analyzed via Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), reveals significant positive relationships between blockchain implementation facets—such as Security and Fraud Prevention, Efficiency and Automation, Regulatory Compliance, Transparency and Trust, and Accessibility and User Experience—and sustainable development outcomes. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“…As a result, it was found that both methods can be used for automated real-time water discharge computation in conditions of unsteady flow.…”
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Optimizing fly ash and rice husk ash as cement replacements on the mechani-cal characteristics of pervious concrete
Published 2025-03-01“…In the investiga-tion, nine batches of concrete mix were prepared with different amounts of cement, fly ash (FA) and rice husk ash (RHA). …”
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Assessment of Cassava Peel Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Plain Concrete Production.
Published 2023“…The percentage replacement used for this project was 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15% and 20%. The concrete was batched with a mix of 1: 1.5:3. The cubes produced were allowed to cure for 7-28 days. …”
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Students’ Daily Attendance Management System.
Published 2024“…This project introduced a web-based system that automates attendance recording and report generation to address these issues, enhancing operational efficiency and usability. …”
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