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Interface between biomedical and traditional systems of treatment and care among HIV positive fisher folk in two fishing communities on Lake Victoria, Uganda
Published 2022“…Efforts are needed to reach fisherfolk through everyday health seeking networks to ensure HIV is diagnosed and treated as early as possible.…”
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Agribusiness strategy and rural development: A case study of Ihunga Sub County, Ntungamo District
Published 2022“…Basing on the study objectives and subsequent findings, the study recommended among others: to have food security in homes and families using agribusiness strategy for developments; to launch cooperative societies so that agro-based producers with common goals advance their aim to kick poverty out of their areas by setting up the bargaining power to look for market, reliable technology and inputs to boost their operations aiming at developing their rural area; to adopt agribusiness strategy for rural development and widening employment opportunities; Government to come in and enforce policies and laws aiming at regulating birth so as to control population growth, Government should come in to properly articulate policies and ensure their effective implementation to enhance rural development basing on agribusiness strategy as the benchmark and the Ugandan government to prioritize the agriculture sectors by allocating a big proportion of the budget to agriculture and industry sectors.…”
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Factors Contributing to Utilisation of Insecticide Treated Mosquito Bed Nets Among the Households of Kayonza Subcounty, Kanungu District.
Published 2023“…The study recommended that The Ministry of Health should increase regular community sensitization campaigns to ensure greater awareness of the importance of sleeping under insecticide treated nets among the vulnerable groups. …”
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Call for Papers: Constitutions and Intergenerational Justice
Published 2016-06-01“…With rare exceptions, they are meant to endure for many generations. They establish the basic institutions of government, enshrine the fundamental values of a people, and place certain questions beyond the reach of simple majorities. …”
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Preoperative ANemiA among elderly undergoing Major Abdominal surgery (PANAMA) is associated with early postoperative morbidity and worse quality of life outcomes
Published 2025-02-01“…QoL outcomes were assessed using the EuroQol 5-Dimension 3-Level (EQ-5D-3L) and the EuroQol-Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). …”
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Phospho-seq: integrated, multi-modal profiling of intracellular protein dynamics in single cells
Published 2025-02-01“…We utilize a simplified benchtop antibody conjugation method to create large custom neuro-focused antibody panels for simultaneous protein and scATAC-seq profiling on whole cells, alongside both experimental and computational strategies to incorporate transcriptomic measurements. …”
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Impacto de los choques del precio del petróleo en el tipo de cambio y la inflación de México
Published 2018-01-01“…Analizamos el impacto dinámico de choques de precios del petróleo en el tipo de cambio real y la inflación de México durante enero 1996-noviembre 2016. Utilizamos un modelo de vectores autorregresivos para modelar procesos posiblemente integrados y un Markov Switching VAR (MS-VAR) con dos estados para examinar el impacto de esos choques en la inflación y el tipo de cambio real con cambio de régimen. …”
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A vueltas con el whatsapp y semejantes como fuente de prueba en la fase instructora del proceso penal
Published 2025-01-01Get full text
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Intervención para promover hábitos saludables y reducir obesidad en adolescentes de preparatoria
Published 2014-01-01“…Enero-Junio 2014 219 Resumen / Abstract El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar cambios en la prevalencia de sobrepeso/ obesidad, hábitos alimenticios y ejercicio físico al inicio y fi nal del primer año de preparatoria posterior a una intervención para promover hábitos saludables. …”
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Limited research investigating the value of MRI in predicting future cognitive morbidity in survivors of paediatric brain tumours: A systematic-review and call to action for clinic...
Published 2025-01-01“…Given the significant implications for this clinical population, this review highlights the urgent need for further investigation and a 'call to action' for medical imaging researchers in pediatric neuro-oncology.…”
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Reconocimiento de insectos potencialmente perjudiciales en Bactris gasipaes H.B.K. (Arecaceae) en el corregimiento El Tapón, municipio de Tadó-Chocó, Colombia
Published 2013-01-01“…El estudio se realizó entre los meses de enero-febrero y agosto-septiembre de 2009 en dos fincas denominadas F1 y F2. …”
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El virus HHV-6 y su relación con los trastornos del neurodesarrollo.
Published 2012-01-01“…En los recién nacidos, se le ha detectado y relacionado con trastornos neuro pediátricos desde hace más de 15 años. Principalmente se le relaciona con la epilepsia benigna, las convulsiones febriles, la encefalitis, la meningoencefalitis, la meningitis y la esclerosis multiple. …”
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A permanência do Regionalismo na literatura brasileira contemporânea
Published 2020-01-01“…Considerado superado por la crítica literaria y renegado por los escritores, el Regionalismo entró a la historia de la literatura brasileña como sinónimo de arte de baja calidad estética. …”
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A vueltas con el whatsapp y semejantes como fuente de prueba en la fase instructora del proceso penal
Published 2025-01-01Get full text
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Mental Health in Urologic Oncology
Published 2022-08-01“…We hope that these measures conducted by urologists and oncologists, alongside possible coordination with psychiatrists and psychologists for psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and neuro-stimulation treatment modems may be helpful in the long term to reduce MHI incidence in urology oncology patients. …”
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Accesibilidad en salud: revisión sobre niños y niñas con discapacidad en Brasil-Perú-Colombia
Published 2019-01-01“…Se incluyeron artículos originales publicados entre enero 2013- julio 2018 en portugués, inglés o español. …”
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The development of a nurse-led preoperative anaesthesia screening tool by Delphi consensus
Published 2024-02-01“…Without immediate access to preoperative specialist care, an appropriate interim strategy may be to ensure that only high-risk patients are seen preoperatively by a specialist. …”
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Racismo algorítmico: implicações na vivência de mulheres negras
Published 2024-09-01“…Para versar sobre o racismo que se dissimula no ambiente digital, autoras e autores como Patricia Hill Collins e Sirma Bilge, Kabengele Muanga, Safiya Umoja Noble, Tarcízio Silva e Sueli Carneiro, entro outros, são mobilizados. Conclui-se, mobilizando autores que versam sobre o tema e direcionando o olhar a alguns dados já apresentados, que além de tecnologias algorítmicas não apresentarem neutralidade, também excluem e invisibilizam mulheres negras, as mais suscetíveis a ataques na internet. …”
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