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Скандал в эго-документах позднесоветских писателей: попытка “насыщенного описания”
Published 2025-02-01“…At times, a scandal was expected as a consequence of publicizing the very fact of literary censorship and the suppression of works in the USSR, as well as the persecution of writers for their literary output. …”
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The Employee Time Discipline Monitoring System based on Fingerprint Sensor and Website
Published 2023-09-01“…The data from the fingerprint scan is then recorded and stored on a server connected to the system. The administrator can easily access this data via a website provided by the system. …”
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Cyberattack on the National Health Laboratory Service of South Africa – implications, response and recommendations
Published 2024-11-01“…As a result, all files on the affected computers and servers became inaccessible, thus affecting all NHLS operations. …”
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O desenvolvimento das políticas de asilo na Grécia: aspectos políticos internacionais e gestão dos fluxos populacionais
Published 2020-07-01“…Parte-se da premissa de que a maneira como os refugiados são gerenciados pela eu, ao longo do tempo, não contribui para a integração social deles; pelo contrário, as condições inadequadas de acolhimento servem para repeli-los e dissuadi-los do território europeu. …”
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Worker Protection Standard: Records of Employee Safety Training
Published 2019-09-01“…The EPA has made several changes to the WPS since it was fully implemented in 1995, and this new 3-page document addresses maintaining records of worker and handler training under the revised WPS, including a sample employee-training verification. Written by Frederick M. Fishel and published by the UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office. …”
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A Novel System and Iterative Schemes for Generalized Variational Inclusion Problems and its Approximation Solvability
Published 2024-07-01“…U. Verma in 2008. Here in this study, we investigate the approximation solvability of solutions for the system of generalized nonlinear ordered variational inclusions using an iterative algorithm under some apt conditions. …”
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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mathgeo sebagai Media Pembelajaran Dimensi Tiga Berbasis Mobile
Published 2022-10-01“…Compatibility testing dilakukan menggunakan fitur Test Lab Firebase, menghasilkan 6 versi android dapat menjalankan aplikasi dengan baik pada versi minimum 7.0 (Nougat) dan versi maksimum 10 (Android Q). …”
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Effect of a closed-loop medication order executive system on safe medication administration at a tertiary hospital: a quasi-experimental study
Published 2024-10-01“…Secondary outcome indicators were the accuracy of order verification and patient identification and the implementation rate of fresh medicine dispensing. …”
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Implementasi Marketing Automation Menggunakan Metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) On Page dan Off Page pada Website Berbasis Content Management System (CMS) pada PT. Eltama Pri...
Published 2023-02-01“…Selain itu, peningkatan pada skor authority SEO versi domain authority Moz naik 14 poin. Sedangkan, domain rating versi Ahrefs naik 31 poin. …”
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Antisecretory treatment efficacy by proton pump inhibitors at gastroduodenal ulcer bleedings
Published 2010-06-01“…Prolonged intravenous injection of esomeprazole with subsequent intake of the drug per os is proved for application in clinical practice for patients with bleeding stomach and duodenum ulcers after endoscopical verification of hemostasis.…”
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Borges editor
Published 2018-05-01“…El artículo propone como hipótesis que, así como vuelve sobre sus textos para reescribirlos, en el proyecto de Destiempo Borges regresa sobre lo editado para reeditarlo. El análisis versa sobre las principales características de este proyecto editorial y sobre la identificación de un conjunto de decisiones editoriales.…”
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Pytanie o luterańską tożsamość
Published 2017-04-01“…Teologia protestancka wyraża się w pięciu zasadach: solus Christus, sola gratia, solo verbo, sola scriptura i sola fide. Przez te elementy podjęto próbę przeniesienia idei usprawiedliwienia na obecny czas. …”
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Comparative Study in Surah Yusuf According to Tafsir Al-Tabari and Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Published 2023-11-01“…The purpose of this study is to compare the content of Surah Yusuf between Tafsir Al-Tabari and Tafsir Ibn Kathir. These two tafsirs were chosen because they fall under the commentators' preferred category of tafsir bil mathur, or Tafsir Tahlili. …”
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Combined application of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods in order to segment the customers in one trade chain
Published 2019-01-01“…After determining the relevant client's attributes in a SQL Server database, K-means is applied in MATLAB programming environment, using fixed number of clusters. …”
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Sistem Monitoring Trafo Distribusi PT.PLN (Persero) berbasis IoT
Published 2020-02-01“…Embedded system yang dibangun akan mengukur kondisi trafo, kemudian dengan menggunakan protokol komunikasi RF 2,4 GHz dan GPRS, embedded system akan menampung dan mengirim data ke server melalui protokol HTTPS dengan antarmuka pemrograman yang disusun menggunakan format JSON. …”
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Trajectories of a magnetic sphere in a shaken three-dimensional granular bed under low gravity
Published 2025-02-01“…This research contributes a comprehensive dataset that is instrumental in exploring the mechanisms of granular segregation under low gravity and aids in the verification of novel physical models for understanding intruder dynamics in granular systems under such conditions.…”
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Augustine on election: the birth of an article of faith
Published 2012-12-01“…Especially his Ad Simplicianum documents “a veritable revolution in his theology” towards a fully developed doctrine of grace. …”
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Published 2014-03-01“… Como o turismo vem se tornando uma atividade econômica cada vez mais importante nos últimos anos e como tem sido visto como um dos melhores caminhos para o Brasil e outros países latino-americanos participarem da nova divisão internacional do trabalho promovida pela globalização, evidenciou-se a necessidade de se produzir um conhecimento específico na área de gestão do turismo. Este artigo versa sobre alguns resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa em andamento sobre a evolução do turismo no Brasil e no exterior, que fornecem um panorama do macro-ambiente desse trade, trazendo à tona oportunidades e desafios que se descortinam no século XXI. …”
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Sinemada Motion Capture Uygulamalarında Yazılım Şirketlerin Estetik ve Teknolojik Çözümleri
Published 2022-05-01“…Çalışmamız bu belirtilen amaç doğrultusunda motion capture uygulamaları için geliştirilen Adobe, Autodesk, Blender, Daz3D, Houdini, MakeHuman gibi yazılım şirketlerinin üretmiş olduğu çözümleri doküman incelemesi tekniği ile inceleyerek yazılımların birbirinden ayrılan teknolojik yönlerini, kullanıcıya sunmuş olduğu fırsatları ve geleceğe yön veren inovatif kimliğine dair bileşenleri tespit etmiştir.…”
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A Reforma do Ensino Médio à luz da Teoria Crítica marcuseana
Published 2019-07-01“…A Teoria Crítica do filósofo frankfurtiano Herbert Marcuse expõe preocupações em relação ao desenvolvimento da técnica e da tecnologia que servem para evidenciar as contradições experimentadas pela educação brasileira. …”
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