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Katechizm biblijny Kościoła kartagińskiego
Published 2013-11-01“…Christ’s work expressed in inluminator and salvator titles, the power of the sign of cross and ecclesiological titles: Christus sponsus conceived with ecclesia sponsa. …”
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Terminology of didactic wisdom in the ancient Israelite scribal schools as presented in Proverbs 1:1–7
Published 2025-01-01“…Proverbs 1 verses 1–7 encompasses an important section of the Hebrew bible related to ancient didactic wisdom terminology. …”
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Towards an Adequate Anthropology
Published 2019-03-01“…‘Adequate anthropology’ is a term proposed by John Paul II and based on three sources: The Bible, theology, and philosophy. Generally speaking, its aim consists in the defense of a large and holistic concept of our existence in opposition to all contemporary reductionistic accounts. …”
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Eunug in die antieke Nabye Ooste
Published 2008-06-01“… The Bible uses the term “eunuch” several times. The question arises as to the meaning of this term. …”
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Pentacostalism & schisms in the Reformed Church in Zambia 1996-2001: contextual and identity changes
Published 2011-12-01“…In the RCZ, this led to the formation of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) in 1999 and the Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) in 2001. …”
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Drug-induced liver injuries (Part 1)
Published 2012-06-01“…Careful collection of medicinal past history, ruling out of other possible causes of liver injury and application of diagnostic scales (CIOMS/ RUCAM) lays in a basis of DILI diagnostics.Conclusion. …”
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Published 2003-11-01“…The reception and transmission of the Bible in Africa was not an innocent enterprise. For this reason, African biblical scholars, particularly those applying their hermeneutical lenses as theoretical tools, and scholars within the social sciences have argued that the Christian corpus of literature that was translated and composed during “Christianisation”, “colonisation”, and “civilisation”, using the strategies of conversion and assimilation of the “wretched”, are by their very nature colonial products. …”
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Published 2017-12-01“…Although there are specific identifiable emphases in a Pentecostal hermeneutics, it does not qualify to be called distinctive, and an ecumenical approach demands that the movement should function within the context of the wider Christian church and its history of reading and interpreting the Bible. …”
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Factors that Play a Role in Community Participation in Creating Healthy Alleys in Makassar City
Published 2023-07-01“…Thus, Community Health Center health workers responsible as health tunnel supervisors must guide the form of Communication, Information, and Education (KIE) to the community to increase community participation in the Healthy Aisle program.…”
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Misterium znaku krzyża w pierwszych wiekach chrześcijaństwa. Studium historyczno-liturgiczne
Published 2023-09-01“…Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie czytelnikowi w oparciu o źródła liturgiczne i patrystyczne tych treści, które oddają początek i proces przyjęcia przez starożytnych chrześcijan znaku krzyża, wypracowania przez nich myśli symbolicznych dotyczących krzyża i wczesnej praktyki kreślenia przez nich znaku krzyża na ciele poza liturgią i podczas jej sprawowania. Dla zrealizowania tak zamierzonych celów autor artykułu korzystał przede wszystkim z metody historyczno-genetycznej i komparatystycznej. …”
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Het boek Prediker: een verrassende en uitdagende stem in de Bijbel
Published 2010-06-01“… As historical-critical exegesis has demonstrated that the Bible does not provide a readymade and unified answer to each and every actual question, the present study aims at highlighting the particular contribution of the book of Qohelet to the ‘library’ of biblical books. …”
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Biblical spirituality: an "other" reading (allègoria)
Published 2011-06-01“… This article discusses the communicative dimension and dialogical dynamic of a text, in order to illuminate the relationship of Biblical Spirituality with the Bible. From a pragmatic perspective on the polar tension between author, text and reader, the article reflects on the action of the author-text on the reader, and the action of the reader in relation to the text, as two strategies of reading. …”
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Practicing a Christian Environmental Ethic through Stewardship.
Published 2024“…Then the article proposes the Christian’s practical implications as caretakers or managers of nature that will lead to the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The bible will be at the centre but other relevant sources that are extra- biblical will also be consulted as well.…”
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Optimasi Jaringan 4G LTE pada Jalur Tol Cikopo Palimanan dengan Menggunakan Metode Physical Tuning
Published 2024-07-01“…Berdasarkan hasil data yang didapatkan dari simulasi menggunakan Atoll Planning Software, terdapat beberapa area yang memiliki coverage yang kurang baik dengan level RSRP dibawah -90 dBm, dan area tersebut merupakan area jalur tol yang rawan kemacetan kendaraan karena arus mudik lebaran atau perbaikan jalan. …”
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Published 2019-12-01“…The church should be involved, because a marriage should be “in Christ” and according to the principles of the Bible. In His covenant of grace as a key element of being a church, God uses marriage and family as his points of departure to relate to people. …”
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Effectiveness of the world network of biosphere reserves in maintaining forest ecosystem functions
Published 2025-02-01“…Our findings based on linear mixed effect models show that (i) only 18 of 119 biosphere reserves exhibited higher values for all forest ecosystem function proxies inside the reserves compared to outside, (ii) smaller reserves in fragmented forestscapes were more affected by hot day temperatures, and (iii) greater forest cover correlated with increased ecosystem functioning across all biomes. This study underscores the potential significance of biosphere reserves to biodiversity conservation efforts and the need for the integration of satellite-based, outcome-oriented proxies of ecosystem functions in assessments of protected area effectiveness.…”
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Die belydenis van die kerk
Published 2002-01-01“… The article contends that the doctrine of the church should rather be seen as telling something about the church than about the Bible. Different doctrines are thus the result and not the source of theology. …”
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Identity and community in South African congregations
Published 2015-12-01“…The two surveys suggest that attenders prefer a private expression of their religion in which the Bible plays an important role. They have a strong bond with the congregation, but the preferred role of the congregation is to provide in the spiritual needs of the attenders. …”
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Formacja nowych ewangelizatorów dla dzieła nowej ewangelizacji
Published 2012-12-01“…The formation method was taken from the Bible. It consists of the formation of the disciples. …”
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Biblical literacy and transnational Mayan liberation movements
Published 2009-12-01“…This paper examines the central role of the Bible in the mobilisation of Mayan communities where the majority of members identify themselves as Christian as well as Mayan. …”
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